Ε Μ Ο Υ / Τ Ο Υ / Ι Δ Ι Ο Υ
...look for a new studio place/ public point of exchange/ taking the Architecture studio out in the public realm/ peripatetic”
behold the public point of exchange/ addition of comments is welcome/ very welcome/ comment on anything/ negative comments are much appreciated/ positive should be better thought of/ as always
Architecture/ often constrained in frames/ art can be a frame/ responsibility/ sustainability/ need for ecological propositions
aesthetics/ proportion/ complete enjoyment of all five senses/ discovery of the sixth/ seventh/ art masterpiece is left to the audience to decide/ decision might take time/ architecture starts now/ yesterday/ it is not art/ will I ever be forgiven for this?
“no space without an event”/ architectural dictum/ since forever/ warped/ misinterpretation/ often exaggerated when applied in space/ needs comprehension of the event/ overstep the architectural ego/ complicated acrobatics lead to unfortunate spatial assumptions/ oftentimes celebrated
phrase reversal/ not a game/ words always play/ even if the order is changed/ just like the event/ it makes the space/ it is not determined by it